Monday, March 18, 2013

Diigo Diligence!

I have been hard at work harvesting bookmarks, annotations and notes for my Diigo bookmarking bonanza, 

and here is the (current) result!  Hope some of these are as informative for you as they are for me.


  1. Brian, I just took a peak through your Diigo, and I have to commend you on the insightful notes you included for each link. The notes feature certainly comes in handy, and you definitely utilized it in an effective way to preview and describe potential instructional resources. I'm much more likely to explore a link if I know what it's all about! Thanks for sharing this gem full 'O incredible resources :)

  2. Okay, Brian, now that you're using the sticky note annotations and screen captures, we should discuss how Diigo differs from Evernote. I primarily use Evernote when collecting articles for research projects and for collecting my own files. However, when I want to bookmark a site fast and get it into a category, I use Diigo and its tagging feature. I guess I have to be working on a major project to resort to Evernote, but for daily bookmarking, especially when I find links to resources via Twitter, I just hit the Diigo app on my Chrome toolbar and I am set. (At one time, I linked my Twitter favorites to Diigo, which was even more convenient, but stopped doing that.)

    I find Evernote has so many features that it takes more time, effort, and work to use it effectively. In addition, because much of my course materials, notes, and resources are now stored in one Google Site or another, I find the value of Evernote for storing course-based materials non-essential.

    We should demo Evernote in class. Are you up for doing it the week after spring break? I know some teachers with iPads use the device to take screenshots of students' work and store that in an Evernote folder, creating a record of the students' progress over time. Seems to be a good way to do that, but have not tried that myself.

  3. I find myself adding sites into my Diigo library, but I haven't yet taken the time to organize them all. You have many great resources, and have inspired me to organize my library!! Thanks!

  4. Brian, Thanks for the great resources. I think the link for digital storytelling 4 kids is great for all teachers to see if they are thinking about implementing it into their classrooms.
